The People's Movement campaigns against any measures that further develop the EU into a federal super-state and works to defend and enhance popular sovereignty, democracy and social justice in Ireland.

People's News - December 21st 2024

The current edition of People's News, dated December 21st 2024, is available for download here.

Dublin - 11 December 2018

The People's Movement held a protest against PESCO, the EU's 'permanent structural cooperation' for military purposes, outside Leinster House on 11 December 2018 (see above).

Dublin - 25 July 2018

Some of those who took part in the protest

NO to an EU army! No to PESCO!
To draw attention to the creation of an EU army
EU Parliament building,
12?14 Lower Mount Street, Dublin 2.
Wednesday, 25 July 2015, 1.00 p.m.

Dublin - 17 February 2018

Click here to see a large version of the above poster.

The presentation given by Lave Broch of the Danish People's Movement is available in PDF format here.

The pictures below show some of those who attended or spoke at the Mansion House conference PESCO on February 17th.

TTIP pamphlet launched

A new People's Movement pamphlet explains how an EU-US trade and investment treaty threatens democracy, would attack workers? rights, erode social standards and environmental regulations, dilute food safety rules, undermine regulations on the use of toxic chemicals, rubbish digital privacy laws, and strangle developing economies.

A copy (356 KB) of the pamphlet in PDF format is available here.

Speakers at the launch of the TIPP pamphlet

A press conference was held in Dublin on 5 September to launch the pamphlet. A press statement which summarises the contributions of the various speakers at the launch can be accessed here.

The effects of the proposed TIPP on jobs are discussed in a leaflet issued by the People's Movement. The leaflet can be downloaded here.

New print by Robert Ballagh

A new print by Robert Ballagh, in a limited edition of twenty-five, is available from the People?s Movement. The print depicts one star in the EU flag representing a fractured EU member state ? Ireland!

The print, which is 37 ? 30 cm, costs ?125 unframed and ?150 framed. All proceeds go to supporting our work. Phone 087 2308330 for your copy.