The events listed below may be of interest to members and supporters of the People's Movement.

Dublin - 11 December 2018

The People's Movement held a protest against PESCO, the EU's 'permanent structural cooperation' for military purposes, outside Leinster House on 11 December 2018 (see above).

Dublin - 25 July 2018

Some of those who took part in the protest

NO to an EU army! No to PESCO!
To draw attention to the creation of an EU army
EU Parliament building,
12–14 Lower Mount Street, Dublin 2.
Wednesday, 25 July 2015, 1.00 p.m.

Dublin - 17 February 2018

Click here to see a large version of the above poster.

The presentation given by Lave Broch of the Danish People's Movement is available in PDF format here.

The pictures below show some of those who attended or spoke at the Mansion House conference PESCO on February 17th.

Dublin - 25 February 2016

You wouldn't look so good either if you'd been dunked in chlorine!

Meet the TTIP chickens!
A demonstration to mark the latest Round of TTIP negotiations.
EU Commission Offices,
12-14 Lower Mount Street, Dublin.
Thursday, 25 February 2016, 1.00 p.m.

How to get there: starting from the National Gallery on Clare Street, continue in towards Ballsbridge along the side of Merrion Square to Mount Street Lower. The Commission offices are at no. 12 (see below). Buses 4, 7 and 8 from O’Connell Street serve the route.

A document with background information is available here.

EU Commission offices, Mount Street

Dublin - 10 October 2015

Click here for details of the above event.

Dublin - 7 September 2015

Some of those who took part in the protest

People's Movement
Scrap TTIP!
National Gallery of Ireland,
Millennium Wing entrance, Clare St, Dublin 2.
Monday, 7 September 2015, 12.00 p.m.
David O’Sullivan, EU Ambassador to the United States and cheerleader for TTIP will be speaking on:
'Transatlantic Relations and TTIP'

Dublin - 15 July 2015

Some of those who took part in the protest

People's Movement
Tenth round of TTIP negotiations
European Parliament building
Dawson Street, Dublin 2.
Wednesday, 15 July 2015, 1.00 p.m.

A press statement issued by the People's Movement is available here.

Dublin - 29 June 2015

Some of those who took part in the protest

People's Movement
Tell Seán Kelly MEP to vote against TTIP
Fine Gael headquarters
51 Upper Mount Street, Dublin 2.
Monday, 29 June 2015, 1.00 p.m.
Bring your anti-TTIP banners and posters!

Sean Kelly sits on the EU International Trade Committee and will be voting on Monday next on a number of damaging aspects of TTIP. Given his enthusiastic support for the deal, it is virtually certain that he will vote in favour, against the interests of the Irish people and in favour of corporate interests.

Dublin - 22 April 2015

People's Movement
Ninth round of TTIP negotiations
European Union offices
Molesworth Street, Dublin 2.
Wednesday, 22 April 2015, 1.00 p.m.

Dublin - 27 March 2015

Scrap TTIP!
Friday, 27 March at Dublin Castle (Dame Street entrance)
at 10 to 11 a.m. for the arrival of EU trade commissioner,
Cecilia Malmström
and again at 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. for Commissioner Malmström's departure
Placards will be provided.

A protest organised by the People's Movement was held at Dublin Castle on Friday 27th during the launch of the Copenhagen Economics Study, to call for the scrapping of TTIP. Among those taking part were TEEU, UNITE, Uplift and Comhlámh. A petition organised by Uplift was later presented to EU Trade Commissioner Malmström prior to the Oireachtas EU Affairs Committee hearing, which a number of us attended.

Dublin - 27 February 2015

From left to right: Frank Keoghan, Joan Collins TD and Constantin Gurdjiev

TTIP: what is it and should we be worried?
Constantin Gurdjiev (economist) and
Frank Keoghan (president TEEU, secretary People's Movement).
Hosted by Joan Collins T.D.
Wynn's Hotel, Abbey Street, Dublin 1.
Friday, 27 February 2015, 7.30 p.m.
Supported by TEEU, Mandate and UNITE trade unions.

Videos of the presentations by Frank Keoghan and Constantin Gurdjiev, and of the questions from the floor can now be viewed on YouTube.

Dublin - 4 February 2015

People's Movement
Scrap TTIP and CETA now!
European Parliament Offices
Molesworth St., Dublin 2.
Wednesday, 4 February 2015, 1.00 p.m.

A big 'Thank you' to all who helped make our 'Scrap TTIP and CETA' protest a success, especially to Joan Collins TD, Seán Crowe TD, Clare Daly TD, Seamus Healy TD, Paul Murphy TD, Senator David Norris, Thomas Pringle TD, Peadar Tóibín TD, Mick Wallace TD, Eamon Devoy, general secretary TEEU, and our friends from Comhlámh.

A copy of the press statement issued by the People's Movement is available here.

For sovereignty, democracy and social justice.