This print, in a limited edition of 100, is the work of the best-known cartoonist in Sweden, Robert Nyberg. Robert has published a number of books and is the creator of comic strips for the national daily Dagens Nyheter, having also undertaken a number of series for the daily Aftonbladet. Since the mid-1980s he has contributed to the union newspapers Metallarbetaren and Kamratposten.

The print is being sold to assist People’s Movement campaign against the Lisbon Treaty and may be purchased unframed for €35. Just send a cheque/postal order to People’s Movement, 25 Shanowen Crescent, Dublin 9, or call 087-2308330 and you will receive a print by return.

Tá an prionta thuas a dhear Robert Nyberg, duine de na cartúnaithe is mó le rá sa tSualainn, le fáil in eagrán atá teoranta go dtí 100 cóip. Tá leabhair leis i gcló agus bíonn sraith chartúin a chruthaigh sé le feiceáil ar an nuachtán náisiúnta laethúil Dagens Nyheter agus bhíodh sraitheanna leis ar Aftonbladet roimhe seo. Tá cartúin leis á bhfoilsiú i nuachtáin na gceardchumann, Metallarbetaren agus Kamratposten, ó lár na 1980í i leith.

Tá an prionta á dhíol chun cuidiú le feachtas Ghluaiseacht an Phobail i gcoinne Chonradh Liospóin - €35 atá air gan fráma. Ní gá ach seic/ordú poist a chur chuig Gluaiseacht an Phobail, 25 Corrán Sheanabhann, BÁC 9, nó cuir scairt ar 087-2308330 agus cuirfear prionta chugat gan mhoill.